Tampere: Sanasato, 2017
ISBN: 978-952-7176-33-7
This book presents the work of three award-winning young poets from Finland, Pekka Kytömäki, Arto Lappi, and Niklas Salmi. Their speciality is wisdom, poignancy and humour, contained within a poetic nutshell. Thus in the present selection we have poems which in the briefest of compasses (from two to twelve lines) illuminate our own existence, the natural world, and the connection between the two. The English translations are by Donald Adamson, in collaboration with the poets themselves.
Vittorio Veneto: The Blue Print Press, 2016
Booklet number I in The Red Rose series contains three poems by Niklas Salmi, translated from the Finnish by Donald Adamson. The etching, aquatint and ink dripping on the cover is by Sergio Bigolin. The project is by Valeria Bertesina and the literary editor is Roberto Nassi. The layout and the letterpress printing are by Janine Raedts. The text is in handset Baskerville on Zerkall mould made paper, printed on an Albion hand press at The Blue Print Press. The edition is of thirty copies, all signed by the artist and the printer, plus 3 copies with proofs.
Tampere: Sanasato, 2015
ISBN: 978-952-5804-95-9
Istun merenpohjassa, ihmettelen:
ylläni leiskuttaa siipiään
allani kareileva hiekka
kuin kirahvin turkkia.
Olenko koskaan nähnyt
mitään näin
olenko koskaan ollut
yhtä hereillä?
Tuntemattomissa taivaankappeleissa on Niklas Salmen (s. 1988) toinen runokokoelma.
Bangor, ME: Tancho Press, 2015
ISBN: 978-098-3714-12-5
A Vast Sky is an international anthology of contemporary world haiku (2000–2014). It is the most comprehensive anthology of its kind and an introduction to the currents in world haiku. It has four established editors, well-known in their country and the world: Bruce Ross (USA), Kōko Katō (Japan), Dietmar Tauchner (Austria), Patricia Prime (New Zealand). The four sections of the book are arranged to follow the historical dissemination of the haiku form in the world: Japan, Europe, The New World, and The Rest of the World. The general introduction by Bruce Ross discusses the form of haiku and issues of its poetics in world haiku. The introductions to the four sections are insightful examinations of the history of haiku in the given countries, with an emphasis on contemporary expression in haiku. There are approximately 500 haiku, many including the original language and the English translation.
Robert Wilson, editor of Simply Haiku: ”A Vast Sky is a must read, filled with gems that glisten. Refreshingly original and memorable.”
Tampere: Sanasato, 2013
ISBN: 978-952-5804-63-8
Niklas Salmen (s. 1988) esikoiskokoelman haikut ja haikunsukuiset runot vievät lukijan takaisin sen hetken tunnelmaan, jona maailma ensi kertaa aukeni tämän hämmästyneiden silmien edessä. Runojen arkinen vaivattomuus, lapsekas välittömyys ja tyylikäs vähäeleisyys antavat lukijalle tilaa tehdä omia oivalluksia; herätteen kokea elämän ihmeet tuoreesti.
katselen ylös
metsän pinnasängyssä
Siipimobiilin maailmassa ihminen on osa luontoa, ilmiöt ovat riippuvaisia toisista ilmiöistä. Näkymättömiä lankoja kulkee kaikesta kaikkeen.